How to Run Budget and Actuals Analysis Step-by-Step Guide"

Running Budget Analysis
To run a budget analysis, navigate to Budgeting -> Analysis -> New Analysis.

New Analysis Item

The following dialog box will be displayed:

New Analysis Input Parameters Dialogue

Select the budget, financial year, and month for which you want to generate the analysis.

The analysis will then be displayed on the screen.

Budget Analysis Report

Running Actuals + Budget 

To run an Actuals + Budget analysis, go to Budgeting -> Actuals + Budget -> New Actuals + Budget.

New Actuals + Budget Report

In the dialog box, select the budget, financial year, and specify how many months should use actual data and how many should use budget data.

New Actuals + Budget Report Input Parameter Dialog

The Actuals + Budget analysis will be displayed on the screen.

Actuals + Budget Profit & Loss Report