Customize Your Chart of Accounts to Fit Your Needs

Tailor Chart of Accounts structure to match your financial reporting requirements

ProudNumbers Drag&Drop Chart  editor
ProudNumbers Chart of Accounts

More than just saving time

  • Create new categories

  • Re-run the same reports with Different Charts of Accounts

  • Help reduce errors in your Chart of Accounts

Why are Charts of Accounts Customisation important?
A Chart of Accounts is used by companies to organize their finances. When a company reaches a certain size, more sophisticated operations require more detailed and tailored reporting, segmented by processes and by each manager's area of responsibility.
A Chart of Accounts is also important if a company decides to acquire and install a new computerized system for controlling its operations, ensuring the new system's general ledger might result in a chart of accounts which is different from the previous chart of accounts.
Customising a Chart of Accounts also allows you to create comparative Profit and Loss for individual nominal codes, e.g. compare single entry through the selected time period.
What does ProudNumbers offer?
In Sage 50, after running management reports, your nominal accounts are categorised, allowing you to analyse your expenditure, liabilities, assets, capital and income, helping you to keep track of how your business is performing.
ProudNumbers allows you to either to use the default Sage 50 charts of accounts or to create a new, customised Chart of Accounts based on the Sage 50 charts.
With ProudNumbers, you can:
  • Create new Categories
  • Add/ delete nominal codes to Category
  • Check Chart of Accounts for errors
  • Target nominal codes for reporting (Profit & Loss, Balance sheet)
All using a very simple drag-and-drop function.
ProudNumbers also allows you to re-run the same reports with different charts of accounts to serve either different people in the company or if there was a need to change the Chart of Accounts.
ProudNumbers is independent management accounting software developed in the UK.
Schedule an on-line demo today to find out how ProudNumbers can help you save time and money.
ProudNumbers does something simple, but it does it very well.Graham B., customer