Control Reports for Data Import Validation

Control Reports in Client folder 

  Import data (new Client or data), or  View Client DataView Client (existing Client data).

refer to:
  • Trial Balance (TB)
  • Balance Sheet (BS) 
  • Profit & Loss sheet (P&L).

These documents can be printed but are not saved.

Once imported, this data is the basis of the Management Accounts. The Control Reports are non editable.
The select date dialogue will default to the current financial year of the Sage data.

Control Reports - Trial Balance, Profit &Loss, Balance Sheet

Select the report you wish to generate. A pop up dialogue will ask for the period of the report and the appropriate Chart of Accounts. 

The Create New Report dialogue will warn you if you input a date >3yrs< outside of dates it finds in the Transactions.

'Filter Year End Journal' tick box removes transactions with the description Year end Journal to facilitate calculations across Year End postings (3200).

Handle End of the Year Ledger Transactions

Profit & Loss / Trial Balance /Balance Sheet.

Up to 2 report documents  of multiple pages can be held in each tabbed field.  This allows to display different periods for each report. Both documents relating to one report  are  held under one header. 

Use the window mini toolbar to navigate between the two files.

Navigate Buttons in Control Reports Viewer

The window mini toolbar also has functionality for Print/Preview/Export.

Export Data from Control Reports (various formats).