Client/Company Folder

The view shows an individual client.
The Client folder is the access for the imported data (Transactions/Sales Ledger), the imported Charts, the generated documents (non-editable), and reports (calculated).

The Client Folder

Populate the Client Folder with a client from  :

File/Open Client.  This shows the list of clients.  Select and work one client at a time.
If you already have a client open, the newly selected client will supersede it.

Lists the imported data from Sage.  The files are named by the period you set in the import wizard. 

View the imported charts.  Select Summary or Full Account reports on the opened chart using a right click on the chart name. Create your own chart from an imported chart.

Charts section displays latest versions of Charts imported from Sage in Black and Charts created in ProudNumbers  from Sage imported Charts in blue. 

Control Reports

Control Reports refer to the Trial Balance (TB), Balance Sheet (BS) and the Profit & Loss sheet (P&L) and are non editable.  There reports replicate information from Sage.

Management Accounts
The reports are generated via the tree or from Report in the top bar menu, then accessed from the Client Folder. 

Debtor Analysis
Debtors are generated as part of the Management Accounts but may also be analysed separately from Report in the top menu bar.

Departmental Analysis
If the accounts have been entered on sage using the Departments option then these data are broken out in this analysis.

Key Performance Indicators are industry specific.  Some general indicies have been added for a notional guide in Version 1 of Proud Numbers.