Installation of ProudNumbers

Download the software to your desktop as per instructions on the website.

Software installation from the web site

Please follow the following steps:
  • Double click downloaded file 
  • Follow on screen instructions
  • Accept the End User License Agreement 
  • Select installation directories - leave defaults for most installations 
  • Install the software

    Location of data files 

    Follow the on-screen instructions an the user data folder will be located :
    C:\ProgramData\Hexner Software\ProudNumbers
    The database, once installed, will not be removed or cleared by subsequent authorised updates.

    Log file

    A Log file will also be created ProudNumbersLog.txt.
    This file can be sent to us to accompanying any performance issues. This helps us understand the problem.


    The license agreement specifies term and conditions of the software use. 

    Summary of license terms:
  • License Period of 12 months
  • Single user
  • Support & upgrades included

    Product Versions 

    Version numbering system will be n.n.n.n
    For example:

    V1.2.3.4  will be Version 1, minor 2, revision 3, build 4

    Date configuration in the software should honour your Microsoft Windows settings

       Proud Numbers will be installed with this easily recognisable desktop icon.
    Double click the icon and follow the set up wizard.

    Link here to the guide for screen layout andfeatures.

    Installing the data base to a 'remote' destination

    The user data directory (database file) can be installed into arbitrary directory available on the local or shared disk drive.  Please contact support for more information.  

