
Easy and accurate generation of Budget Analysis from Sage 50 data.

ProudNumbers Budgeting Software
ProudNumbers Data Analysis Symbol

Monitor your performance to plan for the future.

  • Monthly Actuals versus Budget with variances and financial year comparison

  • Year-to-date Actuals versus Budget with variances and financial year comparison

  • Year-to-date reporting with remaining Budget

  • Nominal Category level reporting

  • Create, copy and edit multiple budgets

  • Budget by department

  • Group departments into divisions

Why is Budgeting important?

Budgeting allows you to plan your revenue and expenses over a specified time for the future. It is important for long term planning and control of resources for your company and effective allocation of resources to your departments, in line with the goals of your company.

What does ProudNumbers offer?

ProudNumbers offers top-down budgeting. This allows managers to allocate budgets to individual departments and to monitor how these departments meet the objectives of the company.
ProudNumbers offers two main budgeting tools:
  • Budget versus actual reporting
  • Year-to-date reporting.
Budget versus actual reporting allows you to compare your company’s budget with actual results on a monthly and year-to-date basis, allowing you to monitor how your business is progressing toward its goals. Reporting can highlight when you miss your revenue targets or when costs come in higher than anticipated.
Reporting conducted on nominal categories (as opposed to nominal codes) with flexible Charts of Accounts, allows for easy budgeting with straightforward comparisons between budgets and actuals.
Year-to-date reports with your remaining budget enables you to have a more realistic idea of your budget for the fiscal year. Budgets can be revised based on the actual data for the months closed to date and budgeted data for the months remaining.


Define organizational structure

The program allows you to define a budget for every department you want. Departments included in the budget can be further grouped into divisions.

Define departmental budgets

We know that during the year budgets may be subject to revision so ProudNumbers allows you to copy and edit budgets in order to revise figures and investigate the effect on the final result. Business managers we have worked with said that ProudNumbers massively simplified the reporting process and saved them hours of spreadsheet formatting work.

Variance analysis

Compare budget vs actuals for each department included in the budget organizational structure. The report summarizes data for defined divisions and the whole company.
ProudNumbers is independent management accounting software developed in the UK.
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